Dec 6, 2023Liked by Robert Sahlin

Hello, thank you for a good article! I try to understand the holiday effect for region SE. It seems like the underlaying holiday input table doesn't contain holiday for region SE ( select * from `bigquery-public-data`.`ml_datasets`.`holidays_and_events_for_forecasting`

where region = 'SE' gives no rows) but still it provides an effect in forecasts (for example new year) when comparing models with or without holiday SE. Did you experience the same?

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OMG, I didn't know that it did not exist. However, you can easily create custom holidays if you need to https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/reference/standard-sql/bigqueryml-syntax-create-time-series#custom_holidays

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Dec 6, 2023Liked by Robert Sahlin

I am just about to add "julafton" in my custom holiday expression! ;)

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Hi, I'm new to GCP, is there any step by step instructions available to implement this cost anomaly detection in GCP?

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Thank you for sharing this, this is awesome!

Quick question, how often would you recommend running this process?

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I’m glad you like it. We run it every day, the cost is pretty small

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